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Interco TSL Vampire ASX 26x13.00-12 L

Interco TSL Vampire ASX 26x13.00-12 L

The outside sidewall has a full sidewall tread on one side (asymetrical). This gives the tire excellent characteristics for climbing out of ruts, excellent rim and sidewall protection, and allows for an increase in tire width without the problems of rubbing on the frame. When purchasing these tires remember you will need two for the left and two for the right side of the ATV.

Size - 26x13.00-12 L 
Interco Number  - ASX-03 
Weight  - 36 
Tread Ply  -
Skid Depth  - 32/32 
Tread Width  - 13.4 
O.D.  - 26.0 
C.S.  - 13.80 
Rim  - 12x10 
Max PSI  -
Max Load - 455


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Артикул: 35118
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